Topic: An Overview of American Multiculturalism in
Cultural studies....
Name: Cultural Studies
no: 8
Bhatt Urvi
no: 32
Submitted to: department of English maharaja krishnakumarsinhji Bhavnagar university
· The Beginning of the word Culture:
‘Culture’ comes from ‘cultura’ and ‘colore’. It’s meaning is ‘to
cultivate’. By the 19th century in Europe it’s meaning was
different. It meant the habits, customs and tastes of the upper classes.
· What is culture?
“Culture is the full range of a learned human behavior. Culture includes
arts, beliefs, customs, inventions, language, technology and traditions.”
“The arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement
regarded collectively is culture.”
“ The quality in a person or society that arises from a concern for what
is regarded as excellent in arts, letters, manners, scholarly pursuits etc means
‘Culture’ is the mode
that generates meanings and ideas. This
‘mode’ is a negotion over which meanings are valid meanings governed by power
relations. Elite culture controls meanings because it control the term of the
debate. Nonelite views on life and art are rejected as ‘tasteless’, ‘useless’
or even stupid by the elite. The meaning is that certain components of culture
get more visibility and significance.
· Cultural Studies:
studies designates a cross-disciplinary enterprise for analyzing the conditions
that affects the production, reception and cultural significance of all type of
institutions, practices, and products, among these, literature is accounted as
merely, one of many forms of cultural
‘signifying practices’.
A prominent endeavor
in cultural studies is to subvert the distinctions in traditional criticism
between “high literature” and “high art” and what were considered the lower
forms that appeal to a much larger body of consumers cultural studies pay less
attention to work in the established literary canon than to popular fiction
best-selling romances, journalism, and advertising, together with other arts
that have mass apeal such as, cartoon comics, Film, T.V. ‘soap operas’ and rock
and rap music. Radical exponents of cultural studies subordinate literary
studies and criticism to political activism, they orient their writings and
teaching towards the explict end of reforming existing power structures and
relations, which they consider to be dominated by a privileged gender, race or
class. many cultural studies are devoted to the analysis and interpretation of
objects and social practices outside the other arts. The tone of early vision of cultural studies was set by students of the British New Left, especially Richard Hoggart and Raymond Williams. Cultural studies adapts methods of
analysis from various disciples: Media studies, Cultural anthropology,
discourse analysis, Popular culture studies and audience studies. Cultural
studies says that one cannot ‘read’ culture artifacts only within the
aesthetic realm.
· The types of cultural studies:
There are five types of
cultural studies:
A) British culture Materialism
B) New Historicism
C) American Multiculturalism
D) Post-modernism and popular culture
E) Post colonial studies
A) British culture Materialism:
It is also known as ‘ Cultural
Materialism’ in Britain. In late 19th century, Matthew Arnold
redefined the ‘givens’ of British culture. Edward Burnett Taylor’s ‘primitive
culture’ argues that :
“culture or civilization, taken in
its widest ethnographic sense, is a complex whole which includes knowledge, belief,
art, morals, law, custom and any other capabilities.”
Williams memorably states:
“There are no masses;
there are only ways of seeing people as masses”
modern Britain two trajectories for “culture” developed one led back to past
and the feudal hierarchies that ordered community in past here, culture acted in
its sacred function as preserver utopia that would annual the distinction
between labor and leisure classes and make transformation of status, not
fixity, the norms.
materialism began in earnest in the 1950s with the work of F.R.Leavis, heavily influenced
by Matthew Arnold’s analysis of bourgeois culture. Leavis sought to use the
educational system to distribute literary knowledge and appreciation more
widely,Leavisites promots the “Great tradition” of Shakespeare and Milton to
improve the moral sensibilities of a wider range of readers than just the elite.Ironically the threat to their project was mass culture.
B) New Historicism:
Laputa-“ the whore”.what did
Jonathan swift mean when he gave that name to the flying island in the third
voyage of Gulliver’s Travels? It is a question that has tantalized readers
since the 18th century.The science fiction aspect f that island
still amuses us,but why”the whore”?there may be an answer and as we will show
later,new historicism is the right approach to answer this question.
New historicism/old
historicism: Says Porter,saw history as”world views magisterially unfolding as a
series of tableaux in a film called progress” ,as though all Elizabethans,for
example,held views in common.The new historicism rejects this periodization of
history in favour of ordering history only through the interplay of forms of power.
C) American multiculturalism:
It is about American culture
,America has many cultures:
· African American writers
· Latina/0 writers
· American Indian Literatures
· Asian American writers
D) Post- modernism and
Popular culture:
Postmodernism celebrates the
very act of dismembering tradition.It question radicalism.There are four main
types of popular culture.They are:
1 -Production analysis
2-Textual analysis
3-Audience analysis Popular Culture
4-Historical analysis
Modernist literature rejected the Victorian aesthetic of prescriptive
morality and using new techniques drawn from psychology, experimented with
point of view, time space and stream of consciousness writing.
Post-colonial studies:
Post colonialism
refers to a historical phase undergone by Third world countries after the
decline of colonialism. Said’s concept of oriental was an important touchstone
to post colonial studies, as he described the stereotypical discourse about the
East as constructed by the West. Said sharply critiques the Western image of
the oriental. Frantz Fanon, a French Caribbean Marxist, drew upon his own
horrific experiences French Algeria to deconstruct emerging national regimes.
Homi K. Bhabha’s post colonial theory involves with poststructuralist ideas of
identity and indeterminacy, defining post colonial identities as shifting,
hybrid construction.
Among the most
important figures in post colonial feminism is Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, who
examines the effects of political independence upon “Subaltern” or sub
proletarian women in the Third World.
Now I explain American
Multiculturalism in detail…………
American Multiculturalism:
In 1965 the Watts race riots
drew worldwide attention. The civil
Rights Act has passed in 1964. There were murders and other atrocities attended
the civil rights march from Selma to Montgomery, President Johnson Signed
voting rights act. The Black Panther party come to existence, All African
American students in the South attended segregated schools and discrimination
was still illegal in many states, ‘race’ problem was challenged.
In the new
century, if interracial trends continue, Americans will be puzzled by race
distinctions from the past since children of multiracial backgrounds may be the
norm rather than the exception. And given the huge influx of Mexican Americans
into the United States over the last fifty years, immigration pattern indicate
that by the year 2050 Anglo-Americans will no longer be the majority, nor
English necessarily the most widely spoken language.
“Every American should understand Mexico
from the point of view of the observer of the conquest and of the history
before the conquest… No American should graduate from college without a
framework of knowledge that includes at least some construct of Asian history,
of Latin-American history of African history.’’
1. African American writers :-
In ‘Shadow and Act’[1964] novelist Ralph Evison argues that “any viable
theory of Negro American culture obligates us to fashion a more adequate theory
of American culture as a whole”.
American arts, fashion, music and so much besides is based upon African
American culture from Oprah to Usher. African American writing displays a
‘double consciousness’, as W.E.B.
Eilison requested Black writers to have faith in their own experiences and
definitions of reality. It seems as if they did so. Toni Morison’s ‘Bluest Eye’,
Gwendolin Brooks’s ‘We Real Cool’ and many others wrote about their culture and
their efforts of long struggle.
“Black people had before
they knew there was such a thing as art”
Hurston, Hughes, Countee Cullen were
the center of literary life and black culture. African American writing
continued to enter the main stream with the protest novels of the 1940s. The
1960s brought Black power and the Black Arts Movement. There was struggle
between Black and White literature.
Latina/o writers :-
They are Mexican American. This term
indicates a broad sense of ethnicity among Spanish-Speaking and most
influential group of Latina/o ethnicities in the United States.
The history of the indigenous
cultures of the new world is punctuated by Indian Nations, European countries,
especially Spain, Portugal, France and England then by the United states.
Mexican American literature was the combination of Spanish art and their
culture. They create new Folk culture and literature. According to Juan Flores and George Yudice:
“The search for ‘America’ the inclusive multicultural society of the
continent, has to do with nothing less than the imaginative those of remapping
and renaming in the service not only of Lalinos but of all climates.”
American Indian Literature:-
For American Indians, stories are a source of strength in the face of
centuries of silencing by Euro-Americans.
A term ‘Native American’ is preferred by most academics and many tribal,
members, who find the term ‘Indian’ a misnomer and stereotype- as in “cowboys
and Indians” or “Indian giver” that helped whites wrest the sentiment away from
indigenous people. Their identities are
literature was and is oral, because the Indian tribes did not have written
languages, European newcomers assumed they had no literature. In fact American
Indians were the creator of the first American literature, Traditional Indian
literature is not especially accessible for the average reader, and it is not
easy to translate from Cherokee into English. Their myth and stories are
designed to perpetuate their heritage and instruct young, Cure illness ensure
victor in battle or ‘Secure fertile’ fields. It is practical literature.
American authors are Samson Occam, William Apess, Yellow Bird [ John Rollin Ridge], Simon Pokagon, Sra Winnemucca
Hopkins, McNickle and Mourning Dove. These writer dealt with native rights the duplicities of U.S. government and
military leaders creation myths, trickster humor and tribute constancy.
Asian American writers:-
Asian American literature
is written by people of Asian descent in the United states. Asian immigrates
were denied citizenship as late as the 1950s, Edward Said wrote ‘oriental’s’
Asian American writers include Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Filipino, Vietnamese,
Malaysian, Polynesian and many other people of Asia, the pacific. These
cultures present a bewildering array of languages, religions, social structures
and skin color, and hence the category is even more broad and artificial than Latina/o
or American Indian.
Asian American literature can be said to have begun around the turn of
the twentieth century. Increasing attention in Asian American studies has been
focused on writers from Hawaii, Guam and the Philippines including. Asian
American writing is quiet among Americans as well as other countries.
America has
multiculturalism Bernard Bell reviews some primary features of American writing
and compares value systems :
“Traditional white American values emanate from a providential vision of
history and of Euro-Americans as a chosen people a
vision that sanctions their individual and collective freedom in the pursuit of
profit, and happiness Radical
freedom Protestantism, constitutional democracy and industrial capitalism are
the white American trinity of values”
v Conclusion:-
Multiculturalism has worldwide attention. It is a mixture of all the cultures
of the world. It deals with racial problems. It deals with modern literature
too. America has people from all over the world. The folk and traditional
American culture is interesting. The work of American writer discussed
Modernity, Myth, Slavery and many other problems. Basically American literature
was not written but it was an oral form as American and Indian literature.
After the colonial settlement it started to be written.
Your topic selection is good and also nice information on it . .
ReplyDeleteit is good to define the the origin and the beginning of the word '' culture'', all the topics are very well explain.